
The 心理学 Department offers three 主要的s: the 心理学文学学士 (B.A.)专业,心理学理学学士(B.S.神经科学理学学士(B.S.)主要. All options introduce students to the broad range of topics that psychologists study, while also allowing students to choose an individualized course of study and focus on aspects of psychology and neuroscience in greater depth. Each option allows students to gain research experience working in our research labs.


心理学B.A. 心理学B.S.

心理学B.A. 和心理学B.S. 主要的s are particularly suited to students who wish to understand human behavior and mental function. 学生将学习与social相关的心理学课程, 发展, 生物, and cognitive psychology and will learn how animal models can be used to inform human behavior. Together these courses will provide students with an appreciation for the theories that have been put forth to explain human behavior and for the importance of considering clinical, 文化, social, 生物, and 发展 factors when trying to understand why humans think, 感觉, 像他们那样行动. Both degree options introduce students to the broad range of topics that psychologists study, while also allowing students to choose an individualized course of study and focus on some aspects of psychology in greater depth.


心理学B.S. 是以电子游戏正规平台为重点的课程吗. Students interested in psychology as it relates to other scientific disciplines and/or who are planning to pursue research-focused graduate work (e.g., Ph.D., M.D.),建议选择B.S. 主要的. B.S. students will take courses in 心理学 and choose from elective co-requisites in departments including 经济学, 计算机科学, 生物学, 化学, 和物理. Together these courses will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the scientific study of the human mind and with opportunities for exposure to hands-on, 实验室科学. This 主要的 is well-suited for students interested in a research-based approach to psychology. For students who are more likely to pursue graduate work without a focus on research (e.g.,social工作,法律,鸟叔.D., Ed.D.) and/or would like greater flexibility in their course schedule, the B.A. 可能更合适.


神经科学B.S. 主要的 is a research-focused degree for students who are interested in understanding the 生物 basis of brain function in relation to thought and behavior. The 主要的 has co-requisites in 生物学 and 化学 as well as elective natural science co-requisites. 它强调接触动手,实验室科学. 学生将选修与进化论有关的课程, 遗传学, 生理学, 神经生物学, and the neural basis of higher cognitive and emotional processes in humans. Together these courses will provide students with a strong foundation in the neuro生物 processes that underlie behavior, 动机, 和认知. 神经科学专业涵盖了医学预科的许多要求.


Most students 主要的ing in 心理学 or Neuroscience are assigned a faculty member in the 心理学 Department as an advisor. Some exceptions include freshmen and students for whom 心理学 or Neuroscience is a second 主要的. 如果你还没有被分配到心理学的指导老师, you should seek some form of departmental advising prior to registering for courses. 你可以从任何教员那里获得建议. 你只需要从你指定的顾问那里拿起你的学位审计. Faculty advisors can be valuable as sources of opinion and guidance. However, it is unlikely that any one person will be able to answer all of your questions. 以下是一些建议:

  • The Department holds informational sessions for students considering graduate work in clinical psychology.
  • 总办公室有几乎所有心理学课程的教学大纲. 你可以要求他们把教学大纲通过电子邮件发给你.


请记住,报名期间特别忙. Each faculty member has many advisees who all need to pick up forms and receive advising during a brief period of time. To keep this process running smoothly, consider the following suggestions.

  • Prepare your questions carefully ahead of time so that you get the answers you need.
  • Read and know the specific requirements for the 主要的 before you meet with your advisor. 这些详细要求列在课程目录中. You must assume responsibility for knowing what you must take in order to graduate. Your advisor is there to offer advice and some perspective on larger issues rather than to repeat what is readily available in print or to tell you what to do.
  • Make an appointment to talk to your advisor at some other time during the semester when things are not so hectic. Doing so will give you an opportunity to discuss the longer-term issues which are certainly relevant to your 电子游戏软件 experience.
  • 如果你对一些特别的节目感兴趣, make an appointment to see the relevant advisor: pre-medical advisor Prof. 希金斯大厅生物系的罗伯特·沃尔夫, pre-law advisor Dean Joseph Burns in the Morrissey Associate Deans Office, Gasson 109 b, 大三留学顾问. 外国学习办公室的杰夫·弗拉格等等. Again, it is best to make these appointments before the registration period starts.


你的学位(学位和毕业要求评估)审计, 其中包含您的访问码, 寄给你的导师吗. (大四学生的学位审核直接发给他们.) You contact this person to pick up your audit form and access code and to review your course selections for the coming semester.

This document lists all courses that Student Services is counting towards your requirements for graduation. 完成的需求前面有***. 一旦你宣布了你的专业, there is a separate listing of the 主要的 requirements you have satisfied and those you have not. 如果您对尚未完成的需求有疑问, 你应该向学生服务处查询. If the question concerns the 心理学 or Neuroscience 主要的, you may be referred to the 本科教务主任. It is a good idea to straighten out these problems as early as possible.


The 大学目录 contains the most up-to-date description of 主要的 requirements. The department does not offer a minor in psychology or neuroscience.